Thursday, June 24, 2004

Combo without a drink?

I've found a really easy way to confuse the cashier at fast food restaurants. I wasn't even trying either. I'm not the sort to deliberately confuse these poor individuals, really I'm not.

No, I simply don't buy drinks any more. Since I got my nice, translucent-green Nalgene bottle (500ml capacity) I no longer have need of nasty fizzy teeth-destroying beverages. Instead, I fill up my bottle with the old-school option of water. (Pause for gasps of amazement.)

The problem is that most people don't know what to do if someone wants a combo without a drink. It's so easy to confuse them. When they say "What drink do you want with that?" just say "No drink, thanks." It's seriously that easy.

I've even been told that the items separately without the drink would cost the same as the combo with the drink so I usually don't save money. I need to start bartering for a free potato or something.

I just don't want to drink crappy stuff that kills you, even if it's dirt cheap.

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