Friday, August 13, 2004

A shorter journey than I expected

Well, the journey's over. Hanna broke up with me last night so that's the end of that. We had been together for almost two weeks but it's still a bit of a blow nonetheless. I was just starting to get my head around the idea of being in a relationship and now it's over.

I don't want to go into too much detail here for both our sakes. I felt I should mention it, though, since I said we'd got together in the first place and if I didn't mention this, everyone would assume we were still together. We are still friends, although things will probably be weird for a while.

God is good and he's bigger than all of this. I trust him with my heart and I know his will is going to be done. I'm still not convinced this is the end but I have to let it go and see what happens next.


Andrew G said...

Man that post you wrote was so sad; if i knes the emoticon for crying,it would use it. I'm glad things worked themselves back out!

The Ken said...

It's kinda funny when you see the next day's post but I seriously didn't know what would happen next at this point and I was pretty "shell-shocked".