Thursday, January 12, 2006

I've discovered an amazing Christian website. It's called I know many of you are already freaking out about the name because it has the "xxx" prefix. Allow me to explain, though.

The two guys who run the website have a vision for reaching people in the porn industry. They're pretty radical in their approach as well. While many Christians would just greet such people with the attitude of "you're sick, you need to stop that", their attitude is to show them God's love. After all, that's what Jesus did. He loved the people society turned their back on.

Jesus Loves Porn StarsOne of the radical things that Craig and Mike do is to go to porn exhibitions and set up a booth with the message "Jesus loves Porn Stars". They get all kinds of reactions but the message they're spreading is that Jesus loves everyone, whether that be pastors, nice Christians or even people in the porn industry. They write about their experiences on their blog.

At one such event they met a girl called Trinity who really wanted to get out of the porn industry but didn't have the money to do anything else. They launched an appeal for her on their website and raised enough money for her to go to college. Now she's moved to a different state, away from her old life. She's now studying cosmetology, which is what she had wanted to do all along. She has a blog where you can follow her progress in her new life.

As well as reaching out to people in the porn industry, Mike and Craig do a lot for churches to help people overcome addiction to porn. Let's face it, it's everywhere and being in the church doesn't make you immune. They do presentations at churches, talking about this issue. They also have a prayer wall on their website which is a forum where people can request prayer and discuss their struggles. They also have free accountability software which sends a list of everywhere you've been on the internet to an accountability partner every couple of weeks. I installed it on my computer. It's really simple and doesn't slow anything down.

I'm just so impressed with this ministry. They've got a really bold approach to the problem and I love it. I know it's going to bear a lot of fruit.


rainy dayz can be happy.. said...

i think it's great that you would dare to have even, information about the website on your blog. I think so much of the church still hides some of the real gritty stuff, that people everywhere face. I think more and more God is calling each one who confess His name, to walk in Grace, Boldness and Transparency. I've passed on your blog to a few of my friends, I hope thats ok, just i think they would benefit from reading what you said and obviously the links etc. The library won't allow me to access their site but i'll look at it on a comp somewhere else.

Sgt Steve said...

ya I've heard about that site before. Sounds like a really good thing they got going on. sweet deal!