Friday, January 19, 2007

A wee bit hungry

Well, I've been in Marseille for almost two weeks now and it seems like no time at all. I'm settling in quite nicely and the rest of the team all arrived a couple of days after me. I'm staying with a crazy bunch of French young people called Jesus Revolution. They're doing outreach in their own, unique way and they graciously allowed me to stay in their spare room while I'm here.

This week we've been doing a seven day fast to seek God's direction for the outreach. Primarily, we're trying to figure which area of the city to concentrate on. Three of us have been fasting from food and the others were fasting different things. I started off with the idea that I would still have breakfast every day but only drink water the rest of the time. I heard that this was a bad idea, though, as it's important for your body to get used to there being no food in it and frequently introducing some food every day could confuse matters.

With that in mind, after Monday I changed to only water. It was pretty hard going and on Wednesday in particular I was feeling really weak and faint. I've never fasted like this before so I didn't know what to expect. It kind of reminds me of when you give blood. You're just that bit slower and more easily tired. Some of the others were finding it pretty tough as well so we changed it slightly. I'm now drinking fruit juices as well as water. It's made a huge difference. I'm more alert and energetic, although I'd still love to get my teeth into a big steak right now!

Today we were prayer walking around the marché aux puces (or Flea Market to you and me) where they had TONS of food lying out on sale. Man, I wanted to eat EVERYTHING. Ok, so I wasn't too inspired by the squid, octopus and other generally manky-looking fishy stuff, but pretty much everything else was appealing to me. In fact, I even took a photo of a frightfully appetising looking selection of olives on sale. Check it out and let me know if you're salivating too:

The fast ends tomorrow at dinner time. I'm going to try really hard not to eat too much. My teeth are bored, though.

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