Monday, February 16, 2004

MSNBC - 'Passion' co-star says film isn't anti-Semitic

MSNBC - 'Passion' co-star says film isn't anti-Semitic

It's funny the things people find to argue about. Here's a film about Jesus Christ - the most documented historical figure of all time. The battle against powers and principalities - God vs. Satan, angels vs. demons and all the rest. Now it's Mel Gibson vs. media critics. Don't people get it? It's not really that important who put the nails in his hands or the cross on his back. That's not the point. It was fallen man, nothing more.

I find it tiring when people try to look at spiritual things without any of the spiritual factors in the equation. It's never going to add up then. Who killed Jesus? We did! Mankind, humanity. There, that's the answer. Now let's move on. But no, we won't move on. The debate will continue as the point drifts by and the message of grace, forgiveness and salvation is drowned out by the nit-picking of people with their own humanistic agendas.

Man, I'm tired of this debate!

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