Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Am I Seattle? Probably not.

Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"


Your dark exterior masks a caffeine driven activism. You'll take up a cause and you'll get ugly to advance it.

I'm not too impressed with quiz. There were 6 questions. The overall breakdown of my score was:

New York (You scored 0)
Las Vegas (You scored 0)
Cleveland (You scored 0)
Washington DC (You scored 0)
San Francisco (You scored 1)
Seattle (You scored 2)
Los Angeles (You scored 1)
Memphis (You scored 1)
Boston (You scored 1)
Orlando (You scored 0)

In other words, I'm a bit of everything but I had two answers in the Seattle category rather than one.

Also, the spelling was pretty amusing. There are words like karyoke and stoopor in there.

So, in conclusion, the quiz is crap. It was a waste of my time. Thanks to dru for the distraction.

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