Monday, February 06, 2006

Extra Thick Bread

Extra Thick Bread
Originally uploaded by theken.
I bought a loaf of bread today that boasted the title "Extra Thick White". You can imagine my surprise when the "heel" turned out to be almost as long as my thumb! The rest of the loaf wasn't as thick, thankfully. It would probably have only had 6 slices if they were.


Andrew G said...

perfect for grilled cheese: a Canadian delicacy


Ash said...

Hi Kenny,

I've tagged you. (Go to my blog to see what I'm talking about - that is if you don't know already what I'm going on about!). Hope you have a great day.

Ash :)

rainy dayz can be happy.. said...

Yum, thick white bread toasted with butter and strawberry jam and a cup of warm tea....takes me back to my early days in edinburgh.....good now hungry ~:O)

**La Bruja** said...
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