Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Big Air - Sore Ass!

Well, I finally did it. I got some pretty impressive air up at Blue Mountain. However, I could have picked a better part of my body to land on. Better still, I could have landed on my board which would have been the ideal scenario. I was trying out one of the smaller terrain parks at Blue Mountain with some friends last night. I think the trail was called Yahoo but let's just say that's not what I was shouting as I sailed through the air.

Well, actually, I remained silent as I contemplated the impending impact. So, "What happened?" I hear you ask. There were a couple of table tops one after the other and we were taking turns to go down the run and jump them. I've been practicing ollies all season and I wanted to try it again. The only trouble is that when you whizz up the ramp to a table top, you really don't need much extra propulsion to get airborn. Well, I think I got higher than I've ever got before. The only problem was that very quickly my board rotated out in front of me and I found myself flying through the air, flat on my back like I was in the most lucid of snowboarding dreams but still in my bedtime posture. After what seemed like an eternity of flying (and much reflection on what was wrong with my takeoff) all speculation about being asleep was put to rest as I landed with a dull 'thud' on my back and slid down the other side of the jump, groaning softly.

I shuffled off to the side as well as I could so that I wouldn't have some professional jump-taker land on me. I had to lie there for about 5 minutes and catch my breath. It knocked the wind out of me a bit. What was almost more annoying than falling in the first place was that only one of my 6 friends saw my "reverse 90 to kidneys" because the rest were waiting further down the hill.

I bravely soldiered on and bombed down the rest of the run (Smart Alec) with enthusiasm. That was when I went head-over-heels in a Homer Simpson style "ooh-eee-agh-oof" with each sound marking the next time my body hit the ground. I always prefer if I fall onto my knees or onto my back. The worst is when you fall sideways, in the direction of travel. Sadly, this was one such fall. I don't know how but I managed to tumble over the board and keep going. I think I hit the ground 3 times before skidding to a halt, flat on my back once more.

I hope to go to Blue again tomorrow but it remains to be seen if my body will be operational in time.

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