Thursday, July 05, 2007

Alan Johnston is free!

I was so excited yesterday to hear the news of the release of Alan Johnston. I had been following the news and praying for his release. It's so brilliant to see that prayer answered. It's great to have some good news in the media.


Hana said...

Good things still happen in this world, my love! That's such good news!

Hope is great, especially it is good to have hope for those who are suffering, like you did by praying for Johnston!

I'm glad you prayed for him.
Good to see some Christians interested in these things...

You're awesome. I know, you're the best my love!

Your French révolutionnaire ( a wee bit of a foreign influence on this blog ;) )

Sweet hugs :)

Annie said...

Wow... what a powerful photo. I need to learn more about this situation.... I shall have to Google it.