Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I don't have malaria

Good news everyone - I definitely don't have malaria. You might wonder why on earth this is relevant information, so I will explain. Many years ago (1999-2000) I lived in Pakistan for a year. Although I was living in the mountains where there is no malaria, I often went to Islamabad which was at a much lower altitude. It is considered an area where malaria could be present.

Well, when I came home I wanted to give blood as I have done in the past. However, I was told that there was a risk I could be carrying malaria so I was to wait six months and then come back. I dutifully waited the six months and returned to the blood donor centre only to learn that they didn't actually have any test for malaria so I couldn't give blood until they did.

Fast-forward to a few months ago when I saw an advert on the TV saying they were desperately short of blood. I thought I would check if they were now able to test for malaria. It turns out they do now have a test. I got the test done and the results came back today. I do NOT have malaria so I can give blood again. Let the good times flow!

1 comment:

Hana said...

It's so great you want to give your blood! I like that!

Do you have now to check if there's any radioactive stuff in your blood?!!

Good to be a "partisan" though - wanting to help - clap clap clap!! Yuhuhuuuu