Friday, July 02, 2004

Don't put sunscreen on your own back

You know how they say you learn something new every day? Well, yesterday I learned what happens when you try to put sunscreen on your own back. I was at Wasaga Beach with some friends to celebrate Canada Day. I had even bought sunscreen on the way - a spray on kind rather than the conventional slimy lotion.

If you look closely at the picture, you will see that just above my waistline, I was almost able to cover all the way into the middle from both sides. Higher up, I managed to cover across the back of the shoulders. However, in between there is a definite pinkish tinge of Scotsman done "over easy".

I suppose next time I'll just have to ask someone else to do my back.

1 comment:

Andrew G said...

this is why you need a wife

who the heck else is going to slather lotion on your pasty, white skin.