Friday, July 02, 2004

Why didn't Spiderman live in Kansas?

I was watching Spiderman II on Wednesday night and I thought of an amusing image of Spiderman living in Kansas. It's pretty convenient that all the crime he needs to stop occurs around tall buildings. I mean, he'd be kinda stuck if he was in the middle of a field somewhere and the crime was taking place three fields over. I suppose that means Superman has an advantage over Spiderman there.


Kristi said...

On my blog the other day, I posted an entry about Spiderman 2.....and at the end I asked the question about all the leftover webs hanging around on skyscrapers and streetlights. What happens with them? Do they just follow the wind? Do the cops clean them up after they rescue the people Spidey had saved and strung up in the middle of a personalized web? Hmmm......

The Ken said...

That's a good point. Maybe they're like manna and they melt after a while. I was just reading about manna yesterday - Exodus 16. I wonder if Spiderman's webs tasted like wafers and honey...

I think in true Spiderman fashion his leftover webs should turn into blankets for homeless people or money for the poor.