Friday, July 16, 2004

We are climbing Jacob's ladder ladder...

I've been trying to build upper-body strength lately by climbing a ladder without using my legs. It's been a most entertaining endeavour for all who happen to pass by while I'm dangling there like an extra from a b-movie who's about to fall into some kind of nasty pit.
The challenge initially was to see how many rungs I could climb using only my arms. At first I could barely do one but now I can get all the way to the top, which is a 13-rung journey from my starting point. In fact, the last time I was able to get all the way to the top and then descend 7 rungs before having to give up.
I've been doing it "the easy way", though. I start with both hands on the same rung, pull up and then grab the next rung with my right hand. Then I transfer my left to the new rung and repeat the process. The challenge is to only use one hand per rung. That would be much harder.
Having said all that, my climbing skills are still minimal. It goes to show that it's not just about strength. Whenever I try to climb an overhang, I can only last about 5 minutes and then  my arms are knackered. I know it's a technique thing 'cos I've seen some pretty skinny girls shimmy up that wall like it's nothing and there's me with all my new found upper-body strength struggling 6 feet off the ground. (sigh) I'm sure I'll learn at some stage. However, it's still frustrating right now. I know you're meant to turn your hips and keep them close to the wall. It just doesn't seem to take any of the weight off my arms. I don't think I'm doing it right.

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