Thursday, May 19, 2005

Will Elder - my friend

Today I received the sad news that Will Elder, a friend and ex-colleague died of cancer this morning. The news hit me as a bit of a blow because we had been praying and believing for God to heal him. The whole thing seemed so tragic as well as he had so much of his life ahead of him. He was 22.

I first met Will in 2002 when I started working at TACF as a volunteer in what was then the Media department. Will was such a friendly and cheerful guy. He was always enthusiastic, hard working and helpful. He had time for people and would help out whenever help was needed, even if it wasn't really his responsibility.

When he stopped working at TACF a while ago, I didn't really keep in touch with him. We just went our separate ways, really. He first contracted testicular cancer almost a year ago and he had a fairly bumpy ride with various treatments and some misleading good signs and even a phase when he thought he was cancer-free.

I went with a few friends to visit him about a month ago and we chatted for a bit. He told me of all the pain he was in, how he had gone hoarse one day from yelling so much because of the pain. Through it all, though, he never lost his sense of God's presence. He said he could feel God's love and he could sense angels in the room as well.

It's just tough when I KNOW that people get healed and cancer really isn't a big deal to God, he's healed people before. God is also a God of LOVE and he desires good things for his children. Right now these don't seem to add up with what's happened but I beleive there are other factors outside my understanding. I still trust God, I still belive he has a good, pleasing and perfect plan for my life and all the rest. I just wish I knew more about healing.

I've been wondering recently, as Will's death seemed more and more imminent - why should he die and me live? Really, when all is said and done, he was a nicer guy than me. I've probably run to sin instead of God more in my life yet here I am in perfect health. I suppose we may tend to associate sickness with God's judgment but it's not always that way.

Will isn't in any pain any more. That I believe. He's with God, his creator, his loving Father. How amazing a promise that is. Really, where is the sting in death? All we have is this temporary separation until we are re-united in heaven. Until then, though, I'll miss him.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Kenny. It made me realize how much I had to remember him on my blog as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I believe your friend is in paradise now. I've always thought of such tragedy happening to nice people who truly don't deserve such. And, I'm cluesless as to why good people have to suffer, and yes, despite the fact that there are people who aren't as nice (myself included), and yet we are spared (thank God) of that fate.

I hope someone can enlighten me in this regard too. I've been searching for a good "explanation" for a long time. It's like "huh? Why him/her when he's/she's been a good-natured person?" Maybe, not an explanation, but I'm thinking the way you are too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your loss Kenny. Praise God that in this case it is only temporary.

In all seriousness, I look forward to meeting your friend one day.

"keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour"

Jarred.D. said...

Will was my best friend; I knew him for 5 years before he died and was with him in his last days. He and I had so many awesome experiences. Recently I've been missing him a lot and it still hits me sometimes the incredible amount he suffered before he died.
I don't know why, I just googled his name today and found your blog, it completely ministered to me. Thank you so much.