Monday, May 02, 2005


(In my best Queen voice:) I want to ride my BICYCLE, I want to ride my bike!

Yes, it's true. I finally bought a bi-cycle - a two-wheeler, with no stabilisers! I'm a big boy now, yes I am.

Inspired by the plethora of bicycles is use in Denmark, I decided to get one of my own to get around (round round get around, I get around!) my neighbourhood. I can also ride to work/church as well and get a bit stronger in the legs in the process. That way I'll be stronger for climbing as well and a spot of cardio exercise is always a good idea as well.

For those of you interested in bike details, I got the Yukon by Giant. I hope to have lots of fun and get fitter at the same time.


Sgt Steve said...

Dude! Sweet Ride!!!

We'll have to hack some trails and bust big man, I'm stoked!! Gettin all squirley and layin down some serious tread! WOO!!

Linda Hope said...

Very cool. A couple of days ago, my bus nearly ran you over... :o) hehee!!

Bikes are cool, but i know if i bought one, i would never ride...still trying to get my boxing gym to be a part of my regular routine... :)
