Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The latest from an over-clocked brain

I noticed tonight when talking to a friend on the phone that my brain has been racing at a hundred miles an hour recently. It's a bit concerning. I mean, seriously, I've never done speed but if it does what the name implies, I think I've had a similar experience. I was confused about this because I've not been drinking any coffee lately. It then crossed my mind that tea actually has more caffiene than the former and I've certainly been drinking my fair share of that. Could it be that my lack of caffiene intake prior to returning home has resulted in my having a lower tolerance? I think it's probably what's going on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Posted by Ken at 1.49 am."
arf arf.

I can't take caffeine after about 7pm or I'm buzzing all night. People have found me flying into their porch windows when they left the nightlight on...