Friday, December 03, 2004

I love Keith Green's music!

I was just checking out some of Keith Green's music on iTunes over the past couple of days. I have a few of his CDs back home in Scotland which I will collect when I'm home over Christmas. It's funny when you listen to something that you know so well but haven't heard for a while. That guy had so much passion, his music was (and is) really powerful. I can hardly wait till I pick up my CDs!


Andrew G said...

Easter Song still makes me cry every time I hear it...

Sgt Steve said...

Ya dude, Keith Green was a great man. I read a book that mentioned him, possibly ragganmuffin gospel, dunno. Cool thing is you'll get to meet him in Heaven, sweet.

Ren D'Auria said...

heyy..havent been to your site in awhile. wanted to say hi and see how you were. i love keith green too!

otomotis said...

i just came across your blog and am wondering about your interest in jesus & afghanistan... a great combination!!

The Ken said...

I know, it's not a very common (or popular) combination, really :)