Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Baby Progress Bar

I just had a great idea today for the more geeky parent to be.

I thought what would be cooler than a baby progress bar? That's right. Imagine an item that could be safely stuck to the tummy of the mum-to-be, indicating to anyone who's interested how far through the pregnancy she is! Wouldn't that just be so cool? I think it would be. Before you get concerned, I'm not going to take things to the extreme of that guy last year who named his baby version 2.0.

Come to think of it, it'll be a while before I'll be in need of such a product, since I won't be having any babies until I solve the "still needing to get a wife" problem which in turn is complicated by the "still needing to get a girlfriend" problem. Ho hum, I can always make money off those who are a bit further down the track in these things in the mean time, though.

1 comment:

Andrew G said...

i was going to say... WHAT THE CRAP??!?!?


Glad you pointed out that it's purely in preparation