Thursday, October 20, 2005

Guinness Face

Guinness Face 1
Guinness Face 2
Guinness Face 3
Guinness Face 4

I don't know if you're like me but whenever I get a Guinness, I always feel the need to try the "face" test. The face test (ok, I'm sure no-one else calls it that) is when you make a face in the head and then see if it's still there at the end of the pint. A "good" Guinness will preserve the face to the bitter (ho ho) end.

By that definition, this pint wasn't a good Guinness. It just goes to show for all you Canadians that we don't get perfect Guinness in Glasgow either. Maybe one would need to go on some kind of pilgrimage to Dublin to get the real deal. I suppose there's the argument of how it's poured as well, I suppose.

Actually, I heard an interesting story about the origins of Guinness. The inventor, a Christian man, (presumably Mr. Guinness) noticed how a significant number of the working-class men in Ireland were going straight to the pub when they got paid and then drinking all their earnings, neglecting to feed themselves properly in the process.

Concerned by this, he created Guinness to be a meal replacement. It actually has all the nutrients and whatever that you might get from a normal meal. It was made with alcohol, so people would drink it but it was designed to be difficult to actually get drunk on, although I have to say I've never tried. I've even heard of doctors recommending Guinness to nursing mothers who've been having a hard time producing enough milk for the baby. Strange but true.

Having said all that, I still find it sad that Guinness is all people think about on St. Patrick's day. (See my post on St. Patrick's day from March.)


mandy said...

Hey nice face! wow so you do learn something every day. good one kenny! i like this

Andrew G said...

i love Guiness...

and i love your post from St. Patty's day

Linda Hope said...

After reading up on the past few posts i have missed, i have come to a very serious, and conclusive conclusion...


I need to come here more often!!