Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Image Test - Wine Bottle Decoration

Look at that, that's amazing! You can add images directly to blogger these days. I don' t know how long it's been like that but that's handy to know. I've been using Flickr for a while now as the more avid TheKen-blog-followers will know. (If you didn't know that, stop reading this and go to my flickr images and start commenting on my amazing pics immediately.)

This picture to the left is a bottle of wine, decorated simply yet effectivley with a decoration my good friend Heidi Lichti gave me just before I left Canada. Apparently in Canada they have traditions about bringing bread and wine to a new house to symbolise things like provision and prosperity. (I think.) Anyway, this was the first bottle in my new flat so Heidi, that's your wine-bottle-decoration put to good use.

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