Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Christmas Schedule

In an attempt to be more organized this time, I'm going to try to plan my trip home for Christmas before the event. This is a bit of a change for me as I normally like to be spontaneous with things. However, since I'll only be in Scotland for a week, I don't want to spend half of that time figuring out what I'm going to do.

I will arrive in Glasgow on the morning of the 22nd of December. I return to Canada on the morning of the 30th of December. So, I'm available between those days. If any of my Scottish blog-reading friends and family want to catch up with me while I'm home, drop me an e-mail or post a comment in my blog. It goes without saying that family will get the 25th!


Anonymous said...

ah, now I see what dates you are here. Quite right, family on the 25th: best for presentage after all.
Hopefully catch up with you towards the end of your stay matey chops!

Anonymous said...


the above is a link to Oswald Chambers (my utmost for his highest) daily readings. I found yesterdays really quite surprising (and refreshing) in what it said, and it made me feel better about enjoying the simple things in life without having to treat everything so seriously. Tell me what you think, Ken-meister


PS I've copied it here, without Ossie's permission, I hope he forgives me from heaven...

Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God
—1 Corinthians 10:31

Beware of allowing yourself to think that the shallow aspects of life are not ordained by God; they are ordained by Him equally as much as the profound. We sometimes refuse to be shallow, not out of our deep devotion to God but because we wish to impress other people with the fact that we are not shallow. This is a sure sign of spiritual pride. We must be careful, for this is how contempt for others is produced in our lives. And it causes us to be a walking rebuke to other people because they are more shallow than we are. Beware of posing as a profound person—God became a baby.

To be shallow is not a sign of being sinful, nor is shallowness an indication that there is no depth to your life at all—the ocean has a shore. Even the shallow things of life, such as eating and drinking, walking and talking, are ordained by God. These are all things our Lord did. He did them as the Son of God, and He said, "A disciple is not above his teacher . . ." ( Matthew 10:24 ).

We are safeguarded by the shallow things of life. We have to live the surface, commonsense life in a commonsense way. Then when God gives us the deeper things, they are obviously separated from the shallow concerns. Never show the depth of your life to anyone but God. We are so nauseatingly serious, so desperately interested in our own character and reputation, we refuse to behave like Christians in the shallow concerns of life.

Make a determination to take no one seriously except God. You may find that the first person you must be the most critical with, as being the greatest fraud you have ever known, is yourself.

Andrew G said...

i think you should eat plenty of fish and proper chips

Anonymous said...

hey Kenny, i'd love to catch up with you in Scotland!!

The Ken said...

That's great...

Who are you?