Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Denver by day

No, sadly there's no pitctures here but at least we've got internet access so I can write in my blog from the relative comfort of my hotel room.

I looked out the window and the first word that came to mind to describe the weather that greeted me was dreich (pronounced dree-ch where the "ch" is like the end of loch) It means it's somewhat gloomy and not so impressive. There's a lot of clouds and it's raining a bit as well. In fact, if it wasn't for all the american flags, I could be excused for thinking I was back in Scotland.

We've had a fairly leisurely day so far. This morning we started off with a breakfast with some local pastors at a place literally "round the corner" from our hotel. This afternoon John, Alyn and I had a bit of a prayer time and a relaxing soak in John's room. Now we're just chilling and waiting to be whisked away on a magical mystery tour to this evening's venue. John asked me to share a testimony at some point this week so I'm pondering what I might talk on. The most likely candidate is the topic of faithfulness.


Anonymous said...

Kenny! You're a few states away from me! Denver is like the ski/snowboard capital of the US. Jesus be with Kenny when he's testifying. (sounds like you're in a courtroom!)Have a good time Ken doll!

Andrew G said...


Have loads of fun and step out!

Sgt Steve said...

Hurray for snowboards!! and hurray for Kenny getting to chill with Pastor John!! Have a blast dude...

The Ken said...

So hey, annonymous - who are you? I'm trying to figure it out but I just have no idea at all...