Saturday, November 13, 2004

More good times with healings and the rest

Today was amazing. First of all, because we got to sleep in until lunchtime and then get taken out to the Golden Corral again to eat. Sigh, it's a hard life I tell you. That was really the most trivial of all the good things that happened today but count your blessings, as they say.

This afternoon Jack Frost was doing one of his teachings and it was really good. He was talking about the importance of a mother's affection in providing security in the very early moments of life. He shared about how we can end up looking to other sources for comfort and love if we have not felt the love of our parents for whatever reason. God did a lot of deep stuff restoring people who had been hiding hurts for years.

Tonight John Arnott was talking about the importance of forgiveness. Again, it was pretty intense stuff. A lot of people were in tears. There was a girl there who had lost her sense of smell when she was about 6 months old. When she forgave herself for having this problem, God HEALED her! It was amazing. All her life, the enemy had held her in bondage because she blamed herself for not being able to smell. Now that she moved from law into grace, she could receive God's healing power.

The youth group at this church are amazing. I've never seen a group of kids so seriously passionate about Jesus and so raw. Most of them have not been saved for long but they know what life was like before they met Jesus and now they're mental! One of them got in trouble in his high school because he was talking to his friends about something God had shown him. I think it was a poem or something like that. One of the hall monitors gave him a hard time because he was using the name of Jesus in school. The church is going to defend him, though. There is freedom of speech for students in schools so he has every right to say whatever he wants.

The same kid was in trouble again because he was having a bible study in the school cafeteria wih friends and he got drunk in the spirit. He fell over and couldn't get up. Some of his friends were carrying him into class and he got taken to the "narc" who I presume is the staff member who checks to see if you're doing drugs!

I love these stories! God's breaking out in the schools and the kids are so raw and fresh in their faith they don't know how to be religious. They just go nuts, praying for everyone. It's really amazing to watch.

At the end tonight, we had a fire tunnel. Now, to the uneducated I should explain. A fire tunnel involves two rows of people facing each other. People walk down the middle and the people either side pray for the fire of God to fill them up. Some people don't feel or sense anything but a lot of people have really amazing encounters with God through this. Some of the kids were getting really powerfully touched by God and the thing I loved most about it was watching them coming out the end and then running back round, climbing over chairs to get back in for another round. They were so hungry some of them were going through three or four times. It blessed me so much to see the enthusiasm they had.

Daddy, give me that same hunger for you again. I want to be desperate for you like that. I want to be so dependent on you that I feel like a fish out of water when I'm not completely baked in your power. Give me that sense of urgency for more of you.

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