Friday, November 12, 2004

Daddy big, devil small

Ah, it's nice to get things in perspective, isn't it? We've been having fun in Denver. I tell you, this life on the road thing isnae sae bad. (Lapse into Scottish there) Life mainly involves sleeping, eating, soaking and meetings. I can cope with that. The eating especially is pretty cool since I'm not paying for it! Today we went to Golden Corral which I recall having visited in Utah during my book selling days for The Southwestern Company.

It's funny because we're meeting all these super-duper renewal-type people such as Jack Frost and Peter Dresser and I'm having the most entertaining experiences. Like at lunch today in the aforementioned restaurant. Jack Frost and I both finished our first plate of food at the same time and started to head over to the various options to peruse the tasty choices we could have. I drew his attention to the size of the steaks that were being cooked. (which were HUGE) He then informed me that he's not eaten meat in fourteen years. Woopsie. I don't think he was overly offended but it's not exactly how to win friends and influence people.

In other news, we saw some of the mountains today. The cloud had lifted a bit and we got a chance to go "ooo" and "aah" at various stages of our transience through the day.

The meetings this afternoon and tonight were pretty cool. I was being surprisingly noisy with "hooo!" type sounds. We saw some healings which was cool. One person who testified tonight was someone I had prayed for last night who's pain has completely left her arm. I wasn't the only one praying for her but my share helped! I really want to do more of this stuff. It's not rocket science really. Daddy's big, the devil's small. Ask for what you want and whoopee - there's a healing!


Anonymous said...


You don't know me. I'm just a complete stranger who happens to chance upon your blog one day, and have been keeping up-to-date. Hope you won't find this an invasion of your privacy. I just want to tell you that somehow, whenever I feel spiritually down, your blogs on healings and faith never fail to lift up my spirituality.

And I think, I just received a prompting from the Lord, to thank you, and tell you that you've made an impact on my walk with Abba. You have the right to know this too. Thank you.

With warmest wishes,

The Ken said...

Hey Anonymous,

I don't mind you reading my blog at all. It's public - I want anyone to be able to read it. It just surprises me when someone new starts to add their thoughts. I'm glad it's been a blessing to you to read about what God's been doing. It's amazing how important good communication is - God's doing so much amazing stuff around the world and most of us don't know anything about it.

Bless you, M. and I hope you like my next post...